Caro's weblog

Hello, WeblogPoMo 2024!

I got excited about the idea of #WeblogPoMo2024, so I guess I'd better get my weblog up and running!

WeblogPoMo, or Weblog Posting Month, is a month-long blogging challenge running in May 2024. It comes from @anniegreens and I discovered it via the awesome service.

I always like the idea of doing a streak-based challenge, but I'm also terrible at actually keeping going with them. Maybe this time, with a bit of social accountability, I might make it more than a few days in. Browsing the suggested #WeblogPoMo2024 on Mastodon, I ran across this post which suggests writing every day, and publishing when they can. That feels maybe more achievable, since I find publishing unreasonably hard - yay disorganised but perfectionist brain.

@anniegreens suggested picking a specific topic to address through the month, but I am spectacularly bad at focusing on a single thing. So I guess the topic will be any and all random things I can face writing about. I have ideas relating to productivity, workflows, learning CSS, knitting, my cat, music, software documentation, journalling, and probably some others I failed to write down. Maybe that gives a flavour of the kind of chaos to expect!

See you around on the internet in May, assuming I ever get down to writing and stop tweaking my weblog's styles...

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